Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Free Stuff for Dogs!

1) For a free sample of Greenies dental chews for your dog go to:

2) You can sign up for a free can of Mighty Dog at:

3) Here's a link for a sample of Breath-A-Licious: The Better Green Bone. From their site: "We know dogs love Breath-A-Licious! It freshens their breath, cleans teeth and aids in digestion. And now you can find out how much your best friend will love Breath-A-Licious for free! We'll send you a complimentary medium size Green Bone at no cost. Your dog will love the taste - and you'll love the fact that Breath-A-Licious is made from all-natural ingredients and contains just the right amount of protein, especially for older dogs."

For a sample of Rachel Ray's Nutrish premium dog food go to this site:

5) Ever heard of White's Premium Dog Food? Here's where you can get a free sample:

6) Flint River Ranch offers a free sample of their Oven Baked Premium Health Food for Pets. Just go here: